Who are we ?

If you were wondering who is behind Hakuna Matchacha, why this name and this brand concept ? How this all started ? Here is your answer ! Let us tell you a bit more about us and our story.


Who is behind Hakuna Matchacha ?


Lena and Fanny are the 2 co-founders of Hakuna Matchacha. They are two French girls expat in Dubai since few years. 🇫🇷


Fanny was a nurse in France for 8 years and then decided to follow a course to become a naturopath to follow her passion in the wellbeing and to help better people around her with their health. 🩺 She has her business in Dubai "HealingByFanny" and help people to feel better with her naturopath consultations, Tuina massages, reflexology sessions etc.. 👩‍⚕️


Lena is a cabin crew in Dubai. ✈️ She followed a course in the Fitness and Nutrition industry to improve her knowledges as she is passionate about fitness in general. During Covid time, she helped people to feel better in their body with Fitness and Nutrition programs online and in Dubai. 🏋️



How Hakuna Matchacha's adventure started ?


Fanny and Lena met through entrepreneurs events in Dubai in 2021. They realized that they had lots of common interests. They decided to meet time to time for lunches in Dubai outside the entrepreneurs events, and that's how they discovered Matcha. 🍵 They realized that in a lot of different cafe and restaurants in Dubai Matcha was A la Carte.


Lena already tried it once during her travels but didn't like it. So Fanny decides to try it once after a lunch and felt that it was a drink full of sugar and didn't like it neither. But as they saw that it's becoming a trending drink, especially on the social media, out of curiosity they do some researches on it. They understand that there are different quality of matcha but mainly that it's full of benefits for their health. 😍


They really understood the potential of this drink and realized that in Dubai it was difficult to find a good quality one and tasty. So during months they tried more than 30 different matchas (from different places in Dubai, from other brands, also from the US, from France, and imported more than 10 different matchas from Japan from different producers). 🌏


One day, one of their Japanese friend helped them to do some researches in Japanese, and found one of the best matcha producer who won an Award of the best matcha in Japan, in 2018, and who was recommended by the government website of import/export teas. 🇯🇵 And after tasting it once they managed to import in Dubai, they felt in love with it, and today this matcha is Hakuna Matchacha at your places ! 💚


They decided to meet their producers in person and to go directly to Japan, in the region of Uji where there is the best matcha in the world produced thanks to its geographic place and climate. 🌱




Why "Hakuna Matchacha" ?


Lena and Fanny struggled for months to find a name for their brand. They wanted something different and unique. It's during a trip in Zanzibar, in Tanzania that one of the co-founders' husband, was hearing "Hakuna Matata" the whole trip, was laughing and keep repeating Hakuna Matchacha... 🇹🇿


The girls didn't take it seriously at the beginning, but then realized that it was such a good name that people could remember easily but mainly that was in line with their brand vision. 🙌🏼


In fact, "Hakuna Matata" means "There is no problem / worry", in Swahili language in East Africa. And because its their main goal to make you feel good with their matcha in your daily life, they felt that the meaning of the name was perfectly found to send their messages regarding the good energy and the good vibes, throughout their brand. 🫶🏼


The co-founders hope "to make you feel good", with a good energy and only positive vibes to improve your daily life, with a cup of Hakuna Matchacha ! 💚



Why this unique brand for a matcha brand ?


Lena and Fanny think that matcha is still not known enough in the world and that a lot of people should discover it to help them in their daily life. 😌


It starts to become more and more famous as it's becoming a trending drink on the social media thanks to the influencers into wellness, yoga, fitness etc..


They thought that if they were doing like all the other brands that are already on the market, people would think that it's a particular tea only for tea-lovers and they would see this tea only associated to the Japanese traditions. 🎎 But they wanted to make matcha more fun to drink, and more accessible for everyone. They want every person regardless of who they are, to feel free to try it and to find their own benefits by consuming matcha. 🍵


With their fun brand, based on pink and green colors, with those L.A / Dubai vibes, they want to spread the positive vibes. ☀️ The quality of their product is their main focus, and they know that they already converted a lot of people who thought that they didn't like matcha and now they love it. 💚



But they wanted, thanks to their marketing to make people want to try it at least once. Thanks to their amazing high quality matcha they know that they can convert more and more people, and help like this a lot of clients to feel better. 🫶🏼


Their own personal experiences with Matcha :


It started with Lena, who had few issued because of coffee. In fact, she was a big consumer of coffee because of her tiring hours with her cabin crew job, especially during her night flights, she could drink up to 4-5 coffees a day. She experienced a lot of those jittery effects, when she would go to sleep after a night flight, she would feel like she was not in a deep sleep and was waking up a lot during her precious 4-5 hours of the day... 😪 But mainly she was started to have some acidity issue in her stomach. 😷


Fanny, during a naturopathy consultation suggested her to stop or at least to reduce her coffee consumption. Lena was not really able to quit caffeine as she really felt that she needed it to fight her constant fatigue. 😥


But luckily that's when they discovered their matcha, so she could replace her coffees with matcha. She realized that she got a better, softer energy, that her sleep was way better than before, and she didn't have any acidity issue anymore after few months. 😍


Fanny and Lena are the first fans of their matcha, but not only ! Their husbands who are both personal trainers, also are converted, and replaced their pre-workout drinks with a cup of Hakuna Matchacha, and shared their experiences between each others. They feel the difference ! 💪🏽



Fanny's husband was feeling time to time that he was shaking during his training because of his pre-workout drink loaded with a lot of caffeine. 😵‍💫 Now he feels that he has the right energy needed for his workout without any side effect.


Lena's husband who is cabin crew as well, felt the positive effects of matcha before his workouts, as he feels sometimes really tired with a lack of motivation after his flights, matcha helps him to feel in a better mood, with the right energy needed to go through his workout. 🤩


The benefits are endless... Lena and Fanny are happy to be able to help a lot of people no matter what are their issues. If it's because you want to improve your skin, or have the positive effects for your workouts, or your meditation or yoga sessions, or simply you wanted to find a substitue of coffee, or you want to boost your metabolism... They are happy to help you feel better no matter what with a daily cup of Hakuna Matchacha, and they hope that you appreciate it ! 🥰


Feel free to contact them ! 💌


If you have any questions or feedbacks (positive and/or negative), feel free to contact them. Despite their busy schedule, they love hearing from you and exchange with their clients ! 🫶🏼


Let's get better, let's get matcha ! 💚

Hakuna Matchacha 🌴